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OpenAL with GTKAda GUI “Sample2”


 (openal-ada 1.1.1 documentation…This is OpenAL-Ada command reference)

Development and confirmed environment
PC: HP Envy-17t-S100
OS: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
GTKAda: Adacore, GNAT Studio Community 2020 (20200427) hosted on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
OpenAL: Coreland, openal-ada 1.1.1, File: OpenALaoa12nov20


Doppler effect sample


File Structures

Directory: ada/Sample2/   — gnatstudio project files to control build options

Directory: ada/Sample2/src/ — source files

Directory: ada/Sample2/obj/  (File “main” is the executable file and lots of files are created in here).
  A picture and a sound files are located here.

File Details




with "gtkada";

project Default is

   for Source_Dirs use ("src", "../../../../usr/local/include/coreland/openal-ada");
   for Object_Dir use "obj";
   for Main use ("main.adb");

   package Linker is
      for Switches ("ada") use ("-lopenal", "-lalut");
   end Linker;

   for Source_List_File use "sourcefiles.text";

end Default;




with Gtk.Box;          use Gtk.Box;
with Gtk.Main;         use Gtk.Main;
with Gtk.Window;       use Gtk.Window;
with Gtk.Frame;        use Gtk.Frame;
with Gtk.Widget;       use Gtk.Widget;
with Gtk.Progress_Bar; use Gtk.Progress_Bar;  --Timer interrupt

with OpenAL.Context;
with Glib.Main;        use Glib.Main;     --Timer Interrupt  Time_Cb.Timeout_Add
with Gdk.Event;        use Gdk.Event;

with Audio;
with Gui;
with Tintr;
With Common;

procedure Main is

   package Time_Cb  is new Glib.Main.Generic_Sources (Gtk_Progress_Bar);

   Win   : Gtk_Window;
   FrameM : Gtk_Frame;
   BoxM   : Gtk_Vbox;

--  Initialize GtkAda.

--  Create a window with a size of 400x400
   Gtk_New (Win);
   Win.Set_Default_Size (1100, 700);

--  Create a box to organize vertically the contents of the window
   Gtk_New_Vbox (BoxM);
   Win.Add (BoxM);

   Gtk_New (FrameM);


-- Start Timer Interrupt
   Tintr.Gid_dummy := Time_Cb.Timeout_Add
               (Tintr.TINTR_PITCH, Tintr.Timer_Intr'Access, Tintr.Datatype_dummy);

-- End, close OpenAL device
   OpenAL.Context.Close_Device (Audio.CX_Devicet);  --CLOSE "OpenAL Soft"

-- Stop the Gtk process when closing the window
   Win.On_Delete_Event (Common.Delete_Event_Cb'Unrestricted_Access);

--  Show the window and present it

--  Start the Gtk+ main loop

end Main;


with Gtk.Box;         use Gtk.Box;
with Gtk.Label;       use Gtk.Label;
with Gtk.Widget;      use Gtk.Widget;
with Gtk.Main;        use Gtk.Main;
with Gtk.Window;      use Gtk.Window;
with Gtk.Frame;       use Gtk.Frame;
with Gtk.Button;          use Gtk.Button;
with Gtk.Enums;           use Gtk.Enums;
with Gtk.Handlers;        use Gtk.Handlers;
with Gtk.Scrolled_Window; use Gtk.Scrolled_Window;
with Gtk.Adjustment;      use Gtk.Adjustment;
with Gtk.Drawing_Area;    use Gtk.Drawing_Area;
with Gtk.Spin_Button;     use Gtk.Spin_Button;
with Gtkada.Canvas;       use Gtkada.Canvas;
with Gtkada.Canvas_View;  use Gtkada.Canvas_View;
with Gtkada.Canvas_View.Views; use Gtkada.Canvas_View.Views;
with Gtkada.Style;        use Gtkada.Style;

with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;    --For Sin
use  Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;     --For Sin
with Ada.Numerics;      use Ada.Numerics;
with Ada.Float_Text_IO; use Ada.Float_Text_IO;

with Gdk;               use Gdk;
with Gdk.Cairo;         use Gdk.Cairo;
with Gdk.RGBA;          use Gdk.RGBA;
with Gdk.Pixbuf;        use Gdk.Pixbuf;
with Glib;              use Glib;
with Glib.Error;        use Glib.Error;
with Glib.Object;       use Glib.Object;
with Cairo;             use Cairo;
with Cairo.Pattern;     use Cairo.Pattern;
with Cairo.Png;         use Cairo.Png;
with Cairo.Region;      use Cairo.Region;
with Cairo.Surface;     use Cairo.Surface;
with OpenAL.Context;    use OpenAL.Context;
with Text_IO;           use Text_IO;

package Gui is

--  Misc. types and variables
--   package Items_Random is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Positive);
--   use Items_Random;

   Max_Size : constant := 400;
   subtype Coordinate_Type is Gint range Default_Grid_Size + 1 .. Max_Size;
   package Coordinate_Random is new
      Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Coordinate_Type);
   use Coordinate_Random;

   subtype Zoom_Type is Gint range 1 .. 2;
   package Zoom_Random is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Zoom_Type);
   use Zoom_Random;

   type FixedPoint0018 is delta 0.001 digits 8;   --To display Float with FixedPoint value
   FixPnt008 : FixedPoint0018;
   type FixedPoint0016 is delta 0.1 digits 6;   --To display Float with FixedPoint value
   FixPnt006 : FixedPoint0016;

--  Redefine our own item type, since we want to provide our own
--  graphics.
   type Display_Item_Record is new GtkAda.Canvas.Canvas_Item_Record with record
      Canvas : Interactive_Canvas;
      Color  : Gdk.RGBA.Gdk_RGBA;
      W, H   : Gint;
      Num    : Positive;
   end record;
   type Display_Item is access all Display_Item_Record'Class;

-- Our own canvas, with optional background image --
   type Image_Canvas_Record is new Interactive_Canvas_Record with record
      Background : Cairo_Pattern := Null_Pattern;
      Draw_Grid  : Boolean := True;
   end record;
   type Image_Canvas is access all Image_Canvas_Record'Class;

   type Image_Drawing_Record is new Gtk.Box.Gtk_Box_Record with record
      Area : Gtk.Drawing_Area.Gtk_Drawing_Area;
      PixG  : Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf;
   end record;

   type Image_Drawing is access all Image_Drawing_Record'Class;
   --  A special type of drawing area that can be associated with
   --  an image.

   package Canvas_Cb is new Gtk.Handlers.Callback
   package Canvas_User_Cb is new Gtk.Handlers.User_Callback
     (Gtk_Widget_Record, Image_Canvas);

-- Callbacks packages --
package Expose_Cb is new Gtk.Handlers.Return_Callback
  (Image_Drawing_Record, Boolean);

package Destroy_Cb is new Gtk.Handlers.Callback (Image_Drawing_Record);


procedure Run (Frame : access Gtk.Frame.Gtk_Frame_Record'Class);

procedure Button_Single_Cb
     (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class);
procedure Button_Loop_Cb
     (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class);
procedure Button_Step_Cb
     (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class);
procedure Button_Clear_Cb
     (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class);

procedure Draw       --Draw #1 *********
     (Item   : access Display_Item_Record;
      Cr     : Cairo_Context);

procedure Initial_Plane_Item_Setup
     (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class);

procedure Initialize_Listener_Image
     (Draw   : out Image_Drawing;
      Pixbuf : Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf;
      Title  : String);

function On_Draw_Listener_Image
      (Draw : access Image_Drawing_Record'Class;
       Cr   : Cairo_Context) return Boolean;

 Procedure Calculate_Display_Sound
  (Counter : in Integer);

Procedure Display_Plane
   (Counter : in Integer);

procedure On_Listner_Loc (Spin : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class);

Button_Single       : Gtk_Button;
Button_Loop         : Gtk_Button;
Button_Step         : Gtk_Button;
Button_Clear        : Gtk_Button;
ButtonColor         : Gdk_RGBA;
Dummy_Boolean       : Boolean;

Label_Dummy1  : Gtk_Label;   --Left pane top for clearance
Label_TCnt    : Gtk_Label;   --Left pane,  TimeCnt
Label_S2SndPos_X : Gtk_Label;   --Left pane,  New postion X
Label_S2SndPos_Y : Gtk_Label;   --Left pane,  New postion Y
Label_SndVel_X :   Gtk_Label;   --Left pane,  Sound Veloctiy X
Label_SndVel_Y :   Gtk_Label;   --Left pane,  Sound Veloctiy Y
Label_Speed_Angle : Gtk_Label;     --Left pane,  Sound Angle
Label_Start_Flag :  Gtk_Label;     --Left pane,  Status

OFFSET_X      : Gtk_Spin_Button;
OFFSET_Y      : Gtk_Spin_Button;
PIXFACTOR_X   : Gtk_Spin_Button;
PIXFACTOR_Y   : Gtk_Spin_Button;
SND_POS_FACTOR : Gtk_Spin_Button;   --Sound Distance Factor
SND_SPD_FACTOR : Gtk_Spin_Button;   --Sound SPeed Factor
TIME_CYCLE_X  : Gtk_Spin_Button;
TIME_CYCLE_Y  : Gtk_Spin_Button;
LPOS_X        : Gtk_Spin_Button;
LPOS_Y        : Gtk_Spin_Button;
Buf_LPOS_X    : float;
Buf_LPOS_Y    : float;

S1Pos_X  : float := 99999.9; --Source X Coordinate OLD Memory, @previous Timer Interrupt Position
S1Pos_Y  : float := 99999.9; --Source Y Coordinate OLD Memory, @previous Timer Interrupt Position
S2Pos_X  : float := 99999.9; --Source X Coordinate NEW, Normalized value
S2Pos_Y  : float := 99999.9; --Source Y Coordinate NEW, Normalized value
S2PixPos_X  : float;   --Source Display Pixel Absolute Position = S2Pos_X * PIXFACTOR_X
S2PixPos_Y  : float;   --Source Display Pixel Absolute Position = S2Pos_Y * PIXFACTOR_Y
S2SndPos_X  : float;   --Sound Relative Position from Listener=(S2Pos_X-Buf_LPOS_X)*SND_POS_FACTOR
S2SndPos_Y  : float;   --Sound Relative Position from Listener=(S2Pos_Y-Buf_LPOS_Y)*SND_POS_FACTOR
Distance_SL : float;   --Distance Source-Listener * Sound_Factor
Vel_Snd_X : float;         --Plane Velocity for Sound, SND_SPD_FACTOR * (X2-X1)/Intr_cycle
Vel_Snd_Y : float;         --Plane Velocity for Sound, SND_SPD_FACTOR * (Y2-Y1)/Intr_cycle
Speed_Angle : float :=0.0;  --Plane Angle [rad]
Speed_NOM : float;          --Plane Speed Nominal Scalar
Speed_Pix  : float;         --Plane Speed Pixel Scalar
Time_X, Time_Y  : Float;    --Figure Tracing Timer counter
Draw_Listener_Counter : Integer :=0;   --Counter how many times Draw_Listener called by System
Draw_Plane_Counter : Integer := 0;     --Counter how many times Draw_Plane called by System
Step_Counter : Integer := 0;   --Set STEP mode, how many Interrupts, downcounter, preset=STEP_NUMBER.
STEP_NUMBER  : constant := 3;  --How many steps for "Step". It presets Step_Counter
PLANE_BODY_COLOR : constant Gdk.RGBA.Gdk_RGBA := (0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0); --RGBA (Blue)

end Gui;


with Audio;   use Audio;
with Tintr;   use Tintr;

package body Gui is

-- Valiables
Box          : Gtk_Box;
HBox1, HBox2 : Gtk_Box;
Scrolled     : Gtk_Scrolled_Window;
CanvasG      : Image_Canvas;
DrawPic      : Image_Drawing;   --Picture

VBoxL : Gtk_Box;   --Left pane
VBoxL1, VBoxL2 : Gtk_Box;  --Left pane upper and lower boxes

PixG     : Gdk_Pixbuf;
Item0    : Display_Item;   --This is DUMMY, but it is needed to work properly.
Item1    : Display_Item;   --Plane Item. Plane is drawn on this Item.
Items_List : array (1 .. 500) of Gtkada.Canvas.Canvas_Item;

Draw1_Before : Integer := 0;   --for debug

Filled, Black_Filled : Drawing_Style;
Sloppy    : Boolean := False;

--Button_START SINGLE Callback
procedure Button_Single_Cb
  (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class) is


   Draw_Listener_Counter := 0;   --Counter, how many times the photo Draw called for debug
   If (Start_Flag=0) then   --Normal Start turns ON

  --If SINGLE button is pressed from OFF to ON then start up.
      S1Pos_X := 0.0;        --Save for next Direction Calc
      S1Pos_Y := 0.0;        --Save for next Direction Calc
      Start_Flag := 1;
      Pause_Flag := 0;
      Set_Label (Button_Single, "Single");
      Parse (ButtonColor, "Blue", Dummy_Boolean);
      Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Single), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete

   elsif((Start_Flag=1) or (Start_Flag=2)) then  --working or Pausing Single
      If (Pause_Flag=0) then
--Switch SINGLE to PAUSE
         Pause_Flag := 1;    --PAUSE
         Set_Label (Button_Single, "Single");
         Parse (ButtonColor, "Red", Dummy_Boolean);
         Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Single), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete

      else   --Now PAUSE, then switch to continue Single again
--Switch PAUSE to SINGLE (Re-starting)
         Pause_Flag := 0;
         Set_Label (Button_Single, "Single");
         Parse (ButtonColor, "Blue", Dummy_Boolean);
         Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Single), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
      end if;

   else   --In the other modes and pressed Single button
-- Switch to SINGLE mode and go again
      Pause_Flag := 0;
      Start_Flag := 2;   --SINGLE and CONTINUE flag
   --If button is pressed from ON to OFF then stop
      Set_Label (Button_Single, "Single");
      Parse (ButtonColor, "Blue", Dummy_Boolean);
      Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Single), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
      Set_Label (Button_Loop, "Loop");
      Parse (ButtonColor, "Black", Dummy_Boolean);
      Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Loop), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
      Set_Label (Button_Step, "Step");
      Parse (ButtonColor, "Black", Dummy_Boolean);
      Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Step), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
--      OpenAL.Context.Close_Device (Audio.CX_Devicet);  -- CLOSE "OpenAL Soft"
   end if;
--      Show_All (CanvasG);

end Button_Single_Cb;

--Button_START LOOP Callback
procedure Button_Loop_Cb
  (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class) is
   Draw_Listener_Counter := 0;  --Counter, how many times the photo Draw called for debug
   If (Start_Flag=0) then   --Normal Start turns ON
 --If button is pressed from OFF to ON then start up.
      S1Pos_X :=0.0;   --Previous locaction X = 0
      S1Pos_Y :=0.0;   --Previous locaction Y = 0
      Start_Flag := 5;
      Pause_Flag := 0;
      Set_Label (Button_Loop, "Loop");
      Parse (ButtonColor, "Blue", Dummy_Boolean);
      Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Loop), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete

   elsif((Start_Flag=5) or (Start_Flag=6)) then  --LOOPing or Pausing LOOP
      If (Pause_Flag=0) then
--Not PAUSE, then Switch LOOP to PAUSE
         Pause_Flag := 1;    --PAUSE
         Set_Label (Button_Loop, "Loop");
         Parse (ButtonColor, "Red", Dummy_Boolean);
         Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Loop), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete

      else   --Now PAUSE, then switch to continue Single again
--PAUSE, then Switch PAUSE to LOOP
         Pause_Flag := 0;
         Set_Label (Button_Loop, "Loop");
         Parse (ButtonColor, "Blue", Dummy_Boolean);
         Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Loop), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
      end if;

   else   --In the other modes and pressed LOOP button
-- Switch to LOOP mode and go again
      Pause_Flag := 0;
      Start_Flag := 6;   --LOOP and CONTINUE flag
--If button is pressed from ON to OFF then stop
      Set_Label (Button_Single, "Single");
      Parse (ButtonColor, "Black", Dummy_Boolean);
      Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Single), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
      Set_Label (Button_Loop, "Loop");
      Parse (ButtonColor, "Blue", Dummy_Boolean);
      Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Loop), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
      Set_Label (Button_Step, "Step");
      Parse (ButtonColor, "Black", Dummy_Boolean);
      Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Step), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
--      OpenAL.Context.Close_Device (Audio.CX_Devicet);  -- CLOSE "OpenAL Soft"
   end if;
--    Show (Gval.Box);
--    Show_All (CanvasG);

end Button_Loop_Cb;

--Button_STEP Callback
--   NOTE STEP cannot stop
procedure Button_Step_Cb
  (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class) is

   Draw_Listener_Counter := 0;  --Counter, how many times the photo Draw called for debug
   If (Start_Flag=0) then   --Normal Start turns ON
 --If button is pressed from OFF to ON then start STEP.
      S1Pos_X :=0.0;   --Previous locaction X = 0
      S1Pos_Y :=0.0;   --Previous locaction Y = 0
      Step_Counter := STEP_NUMBER;   --Preset down-counter
      Start_Flag := 3;      --Flag=3: Start STEP
      Pause_Flag := 0;      --Reset WAIT counter
      Set_Label (Button_Step, "Step");
      Parse (ButtonColor, "Blue", Dummy_Boolean);
      Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Step), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
--Pressed STEP button at Working any mode or HALT, then Re-start STEP
      Start_Flag := 3;      --Flag=3: Start STEP
      Pause_Flag := 0;      --Reset WAIT counter
      Step_Counter := STEP_NUMBER;   --Preset Down-counter
      Set_Label (Button_Loop, "Loop");
      Parse (ButtonColor, "Black", Dummy_Boolean);
      Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Loop), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
      Set_Label (Button_Single, "Single");
      Parse (ButtonColor, "Black", Dummy_Boolean);
      Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Single), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
      Set_Label (Button_Step, "Step");
      Parse (ButtonColor, "Blue", Dummy_Boolean);
      Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Step), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete

   end if;

end Button_Step_Cb;

-- Button CLEAR Callback
procedure Button_Clear_Cb
  (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class) is

   function Remove_Internal
      (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class;
      Item   : access GtkAda.Canvas.Canvas_Item_Record'Class) return Boolean is
      Remove (Canvas, Item);
      return True;
   end Remove_Internal;

   Start_Flag := 0;
   Pause_Flag := 0;
   Step_Counter := 0;
   TimeCnt :=0;
   S1Pos_X :=0.0;   --Previous locaction X = 0
   S1Pos_Y :=0.0;   --Previous locaction Y = 0

   TimerIntrCounter_Before := 0;  --Used in Tintr
   Set_Label (Gui.Button_Single, "Single");
   Parse (ButtonColor, "Black", Dummy_Boolean);
   Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Single), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
   Set_Label (Gui.Button_Loop, "Loop");
   Parse (ButtonColor, "Black", Dummy_Boolean);
   Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Loop), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
   OpenAL.Context.Close_Device (Audio.CX_Devicet);  -- CLOSE "OpenAL Soft" and stop sound
   Set_Label (Button_Step, "Step");
   Parse (ButtonColor, "Black", Dummy_Boolean);
   Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Step), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete


   Put_Line("TimeCnt=" & Integer'Image(TimeCnt) & " S2PixPos_X= " & float'Image(S2PixPos_X) & "   S2PixPos_Y" & float'Image(S2PixPos_Y));

end Button_Clear_Cb;

-- Draw_#1   To_Double_Buffer -- Regular Rectangle
--   Plane Drawing
procedure Draw
  (Item   : access Display_Item_Record;
   Cr     : Cairo_Context) is

Iw, Ih, Iwc, Ihc : Gdouble;
Ang :     Float;
Icolor  : Gdk.RGBA.Gdk_RGBA;

   if(TimerIntrCounter=TimerIntrCounter_Before) then
      If (TimeCnt_Draw=0) then goto END_OF_DRAW; end if;   --SKIP if counter is full (protect from too much display)
      TimeCnt_Draw := TimeCnt_Draw - 1;
      TimeCnt_Draw := TIMECNT_DRAW_PRESET;   --Initialize down-counter
   end if;

   Ang := Speed_angle;   --Radian, Angle from the Origin (positive X axis=0 deg, CW=Positive, Radian)

   Iw := Gdouble(Item.w);   --Image Width
   Ih := Gdouble(Item.h);   --Image Height
   Iwc := 0.5 * Iw;         --Image Rotation Center=a half Width
   Ihc := 0.5 * Ih;         --Image Rotation Center=a half Height
   Icolor := Item.Color;    --Save body color, Gdk.RGBA.Gdk_RGBA

--Draw exhaust flame Lower Half
   Arc (Cr, Iwc+0.325*Iw*GDouble(Cos(3.5358+Ang)), Ihc+0.325*Iw*GDouble(Sin(3.5358+Ang)), 0.25*Iw, GDouble(0.5235+Ang), GDouble(2.618+Ang));
   Set_Source_Rgb (Cr, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5);   --Red
   Cairo.Fill (Cr);      -- Fill color
--Draw exhaust flame Upper Half
   Arc (Cr, Iwc+0.325*Iw*GDouble(Cos(2.7462+Ang)), Ihc+0.325*Iw*GDouble(Sin(2.7462+Ang)), 0.25*Iw, GDouble(3.663+Ang), GDouble(5.757+Ang));
   Set_Source_Rgb (Cr, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5);
   Cairo.Fill (Cr);      -- Fill color

--Draw Jet nozzle Circle
   Item.Color := (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);   --Red color
   Gdk.Cairo.Set_Source_RGBA (Cr, Item.Color);
   Arc (Cr, Iwc+0.2*Iw*GDouble(Cos(Pi+Ang)), Ihc+0.2*Ih*GDouble(Sin(Pi+Ang)), 0.1*Iw, 0.0, 2.0*Pi);
   Cairo.Fill (Cr);       --Fill without outline

--Plane body
   Move_To (Cr, Iwc+0.45*Iw*GDouble(cos(Ang)), Ihc+0.45*Ih*GDouble(sin(Ang)));   --#1 Move to the Top
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.4060*Iw*GDouble(cos(0.1732+Ang)), Ihc+0.4060*Ih*GDouble(sin(0.1732+Ang)));   --#2 Draw Lower Half
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.3569*Iw*GDouble(cos(0.1974+Ang)), Ihc+0.3569*Ih*GDouble(sin(0.1974+Ang)));   --#3
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.3640*Iw*GDouble(cos(0.2783+Ang)), Ihc+0.3640*Ih*GDouble(sin(0.2783+Ang)));   --#4
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.3162*Iw*GDouble(cos(0.3218+Ang)), Ihc+0.3162*Ih*GDouble(sin(0.3218+Ang)));   --#5
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.3162*Iw*GDouble(cos(1.2490+Ang)), Ihc+0.3162*Ih*GDouble(sin(1.2490+Ang)));   --#6
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.3000*Iw*GDouble(cos(1.5700+Ang)), Ihc+0.3000*Ih*GDouble(sin(1.5700+Ang)));   --#7  90'
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.1414*Iw*GDouble(cos(0.7850+Ang)), Ihc+0.1414*Ih*GDouble(sin(0.7850+Ang)));   --#8
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.1000*Iw*GDouble(cos(1.5700+Ang)), Ihc+0.1000*Ih*GDouble(sin(1.5700+Ang)));   --#9  90'
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.2236*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.0330+Ang)), Ihc+0.2236*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.0330+Ang)));   --#10
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.2500*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.2120+Ang)), Ihc+0.2500*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.2120+Ang)));   --#11
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.1581*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.8180+Ang)), Ihc+0.1581*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.8180+Ang)));   --#12
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.1118*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.6760+Ang)), Ihc+0.1118*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.6760+Ang)));   --#13
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.1000*Iw*GDouble(cos(3.1410+Ang)), Ihc+0.1000*Ih*GDouble(sin(3.1410+Ang)));   --#14  Tail center

   Move_To(Cr, Iwc, Ihc);   --Move to the Center, the Center is always the same position
   Move_To (Cr, Iwc+0.45*Iw*GDouble(cos(Ang)), Ihc+0.45*Ih*GDouble(sin(Ang)));   --#1 Move to the Top
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.406*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.0*Pi-0.1732+Ang)), Ihc+0.406*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.0*Pi-0.1732+Ang)));   --#2  Draw upper half
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.3569*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.0*Pi-0.1974+Ang)), Ihc+0.3569*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.0*Pi-0.1974+Ang)));   --#3
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.3640*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.0*Pi-0.2783+Ang)), Ihc+0.3640*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.0*Pi-0.2783+Ang)));   --#4
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.3162*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.0*Pi-0.3218+Ang)), Ihc+0.3162*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.0*Pi-0.3218+Ang)));   --#5
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.3162*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.0*Pi-1.249+Ang)), Ihc+0.3162*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.0*Pi-1.249+Ang)));   --#6
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.3000*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.0*Pi-1.5700+Ang)), Ihc+0.3000*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.0*Pi-1.5700+Ang)));   --#7  270'
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.1414*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.0*Pi-0.785 +Ang)), Ihc+0.1414*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.0*Pi-0.7850+Ang)));   --#8
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.1000*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.0*Pi-1.570+Ang)), Ihc+0.1000*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.0*Pi-1.5700+Ang)));   --#9  270'
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.2236*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.0*Pi-2.033+Ang)), Ihc+0.2236*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.0*Pi-2.033+Ang)));   --#10
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.2500*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.0*Pi-2.212+Ang)), Ihc+0.2500*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.0*Pi-2.212+Ang)));   --#11
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.1581*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.0*Pi-2.818+Ang)), Ihc+0.1581*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.0*Pi-2.818+Ang)));   --#12
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.1118*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.0*Pi-2.676+Ang)), Ihc+0.1118*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.0*Pi-2.676+Ang)));   --#13
   Line_To (Cr, Iwc+0.1000*Iw*GDouble(cos(2.0*Pi-3.141+Ang)), Ihc+0.1000*Ih*GDouble(sin(2.0*Pi-3.141+Ang)));   --#14

   Close_Path (Cr);   --Close Polygon to fill color

   Item.Color := Icolor;                         --Return to the saved color
   Gdk.Cairo.Set_Source_RGBA (Cr, Item.Color);   --Paint the plane body
--    Gdk.Cairo.Set_Source_RGBA (Cr, Icolor);    --NOTE: This does not work

   Cairo.Fill (Cr);    -- Fill color

   Draw_Plane_Counter := Draw_Plane_Counter + 1;   --Just to countup calling this Draw how many times

<< END_OF_DRAW >>   --GOTO Jump Flag
   TimerIntrCounter_Before := TimeCnt;

end Draw;

-- On_Draw_Listener_Image -- This On_Draw_Listener_Image is coming from libart_demo.adb
--   Display Picture image in LEFT VBoxL or RIGHT Canvas
function On_Draw_Listener_Image
      (Draw : access Image_Drawing_Record'Class;
       Cr   : Cairo_Context) return Boolean is
   Text_IO.Put_Line("Width=" & Gint'Image(Get_Width(Draw.PixG)) & "   Height=" & Gint'Image(Get_Height(Draw.PixG)));

   Set_Source_Pixbuf (Cr, Draw.PixG, 0.0, 0.0);

   Cairo.Paint (Cr);      --Need to display picture

   Cairo.Stroke (Cr);

   Draw_Listener_Counter := Draw_Listener_Counter + 1;
   return False;

end On_Draw_Listener_Image;

-- Initialize_Listener_Image -- to display Picture image
--   Called from "Run"
procedure Initialize_Listener_Image
  (Draw   : out Image_Drawing;   --DrawPic
   Pixbuf : Gdk_Pixbuf;          --PixG
   Title  : String)  is          --"Initial Image"

   Label : Gtk_Label;
   Draw := new Image_Drawing_Record;
   Initialize_Vbox (Draw, Homogeneous => False, Spacing => 0);

   Gtk_New (Label, Title);
   Pack_Start (Draw, Label, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Draw.PixG := Pixbuf;    --Picture
      Get_Width (Draw.PixG),
      Get_Height (Draw.PixG) + Get_Allocated_Height (Label));

   Gtk_New (Draw.Area);
   Pack_Start (Draw, Draw.Area);

      (Draw.Area, Signal_Draw,
      Expose_Cb.To_Marshaller (On_Draw_Listener_Image'Access),
      Slot_Object => Draw);

end Initialize_Listener_Image;

-- Initialize Display Plane Items
procedure Initial_Plane_Item_Setup
  (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class) is

-- Place a Dummy Item ***************************
-- Workaround for the first location (0,0) BUG and another BUG
   Item0 := new Display_Item_Record;
   Item0.Canvas := Interactive_Canvas (Canvas);
   Item0.Color := (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);       -- RGBA Color=White
   Item0.W := 0;                              -- Width=0
   Item0.H := 0;                              -- Height=0
   Set_Screen_Size (Item0, Item0.W, Item0.H);
   Put (Canvas, Item0, 0, 0);                 --Dummy PUT, Location X=0,Y=0

   Item1 := new Display_Item_Record;   --Draw #1
   Item1.Canvas := Interactive_Canvas (Canvas);
   Item1.Color := PLANE_BODY_COLOR;    --Color: Gdk.RGBA.Gdk_RGBA
   Item1.W := 140;   --Figure W size
   Item1.H := 140;   --Figure H size
   Item1.Num := 1;

   Set_Screen_Size (Item1, 150, 150);   --Item drawing area, wider than figure to rotate

end Initial_Plane_Item_Setup;

-- Calculate all Parameters of Source, Move and Display
Procedure Display_Plane
  (Counter : in Integer) is
   Calculate_Display_Sound (Counter);   -- Calculate all

   Move_To (CanvasG, Item1, Glib.Gint(S2PixPos_X), Glib.Gint(S2PixPos_Y));     --Important. Don't use Put for an Item multiple times.

   Show_All (CanvasG);
End Display_Plane;

-- Calculate all Plane Location and Audio Parameters
Procedure Calculate_Display_Sound
  (Counter : in Integer) is             --TimeCnt

Just_Begin_Flag : Boolean;

   If (Pause_Flag /= 0) then Return; end if;

   If(S1Pos_X=0.0 and S1Pos_Y=0.0) then   --If this is the first call, then set flag to skip some calculatios
     Just_Begin_Flag := True;
     Just_Begin_Flag := False;
   end if;

-- Calculate Current P2 Location
   S2Pos_X := float(Get_Value(OFFSET_X)) + Sin (2.0 * Pi / float(Get_Value(TIME_CYCLE_X)) * float(TINTR_PITCH) /1000.0 * Time_X);   --Normalized  1+Sin(wt)
   S2PixPos_X := float(Get_Value(PIXFACTOR_X)) * S2Pos_X;              --For Display Absolute
   S2SndPos_X := float(Get_Value(SND_POS_FACTOR)) * (S2Pos_X - Buf_LPOS_X);   --For Sound  Relative S-L

   S2Pos_Y := float(Get_Value(OFFSET_Y)) + Cos (2.0 * Pi / float(Get_Value(TIME_CYCLE_Y)) * float(TINTR_PITCH) / 1000.0 * Time_Y);   --Normalized  2+Cos(wt)
   S2PixPos_Y := float(Get_Value(PIXFACTOR_Y)) * S2Pos_Y;              --For Display Absolute
---   S2SndPos_Y := float(Get_Value(SND_POS_FACTOR)) * (Buf_LPOS_Y - S2Pos_Y);   --For Sound Relative S-L
   S2SndPos_Y := float(Get_Value(SND_POS_FACTOR)) * (S2Pos_Y - Buf_LPOS_Y);   --For Sound Relative S-L

   If (Just_Begin_Flag = False) then
 --Not the first time, then calculate speed and direction
      Vel_Snd_X := float(Get_Value(SND_SPD_FACTOR)) * (S2Pos_X - S1Pos_X) * 1000.0 / float(TINTR_PITCH);   --For Sound_SPD_Factor * (X2-X1)/Intr_cycle
      Vel_Snd_Y := float(Get_Value(SND_SPD_FACTOR)) * (S2Pos_Y - S1Pos_Y) * 1000.0 / float(TINTR_PITCH);   --For Sound_SPD_Factor * (Y2-Y1)/Intr_cycle

      If (Abs(S2Pos_X-S1Pos_X) <= 0.0001) then   --To avoid 0 division
         If (S2Pos_Y > S1Pos_Y) then
            Speed_Angle := 0.5*Pi;   --Pi/2rad=90deg, Protect Zero division
            Speed_Angle := 1.5*Pi;   --4.712rad=270 deg, Protect Zero division
         end if;
      else   --Not 0, then normal calculatio
         Speed_Angle := Abs(Arctan ((S2Pos_Y-S1Pos_Y)/(S2Pos_X-S1Pos_X)));  --Right Lower(no correction)
         If ((S2Pos_Y-S1Pos_Y)<0.0 and (S2Pos_X-S1Pos_X)>0.0) then   --Right upper
            Speed_Angle := 2.0*Pi - Speed_Angle;
         elsif ((S2Pos_Y-S1Pos_Y)>=0.0 and (S2Pos_X-S1Pos_X)<0.0) then   --Left Lower
            Speed_Angle := Pi - Speed_Angle;
         elsif ((S2Pos_Y-S1Pos_Y)<0.0 and (S2Pos_X-S1Pos_X)<0.0) then   --Left Upper
            Speed_Angle := Pi + Speed_Angle;
         end if;
      end if;

   else   -- First time, INITIAL, just started
      Speed_Angle := 0.0;
      Vel_Snd_X := 0.0;
      Vel_Snd_Y := 0.0;
   end if;

   Distance_SL := SQRT (S2SndPos_X**2 + S2SndPos_Y**2);  --Use Sound,because Relative

   S1Pos_X := S2Pos_X;        --Save for next Direction Calc
   S1Pos_Y := S2Pos_Y;        --Save for next Direction Calc

--Display Labels
   Set_Label (Gui.Label_TCnt, "TimeCnt=" & Integer'Image(TimeCnt));

   FixPnt006 := FixedPoint0016(S2SndPos_X);
   Set_Label (Gui.Label_S2SndPOS_X, "SndPos_X=" & FixedPoint0016'Image(FixPnt006));

   FixPnt006 := FixedPoint0016(S2SndPos_Y);
   Set_Label (Gui.Label_S2SndPos_Y, "SndPos_Y=" & FixedPoint0016'Image(FixPnt006));

   FixPnt006 := FixedPoint0016(Vel_Snd_X);
   Set_Label (Gui.Label_SndVel_X, "SndVel_X=" & FixedPoint0016'Image(FixPnt006));

   FixPnt006 := FixedPoint0016(Vel_Snd_Y);
   Set_Label (Gui.Label_SndVel_Y, "SndVel_Y=" & FixedPoint0016'Image(FixPnt006));

   FixPnt008 := FixedPoint0018(Speed_Angle);
   Set_Label (Gui.Label_Speed_Angle, "Angle=" & FixedPoint0018'Image(FixPnt008));

   Set_Label (Gui.Label_Start_Flag, "Start_Flag=" & Integer'Image(Start_Flag));

--Display on Text Screen
   Text_IO.Put("TimeCnt=" & Integer'Image(TimeCnt));
   Text_IO.Put("   Pos_X=");
   Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put(S2Pos_X, 4,2,0);   --Item, Fore, Aft, Exp
   Text_IO.Put("   Pos_Y=");
   Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put(S2Pos_Y, 4,2,0);   --Item, Fore, Aft, Exp
   Text_IO.Put("   L=");
   Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put(Distance_SL, 4,2,0);   --Item, Fore, Aft, Exp
   Put_Line("   Draw1=" & Integer'Image(Draw_Plane_Counter) & "  Diff=" & Integer'Image(Draw_Plane_Counter - Draw1_Before)
      &  "   Pause_F=" & Integer'Image(Pause_Flag));

   Draw1_Before := Draw_Plane_Counter;

End Calculate_Display_Sound;

-- Set Listner location, set Spins LPOS_X & LPOS_Y to Buffers
procedure On_Listner_Loc (Spin : access GObject_Record'Class) is
   S : constant Gtk_Spin_Button := Gtk_Spin_Button (Spin);
   X, Y       : Glib.Gint;
   Buf_LPOS_X := float(Get_Value(LPOS_X));
   X := Glib.Gint(Buf_LPOS_X * float(Get_Value(PIXFACTOR_X)));   --Glib.Gint
   Buf_LPOS_Y := float(Get_Value(LPOS_Y));
   Y := Glib.Gint(Buf_LPOS_Y * float(Get_Value(PIXFACTOR_Y)));
   Move (CanvasG, DrawPic, X, Y);  --To move the picture NOT "Cairo.Move_To" , use this Move command
end On_Listner_Loc;

-- Run --
procedure Run (Frame : access Gtk.Frame.Gtk_Frame_Record'Class) is

Label      : Gtk_Label;
Error      : Glib.Error.GError;
X, Y       : Glib.Gint;
TempBox    : Gtk_Box;           --Spin setting
TempLabel  : Gtk_Label;         --Spin label setting
TempAdj    : Gtk_Adjustment;    --Spin setting

   Gtk_New_Vbox (Box, Homogeneous => False);   --All screen
   Add (Frame, Box);                           --Box.Add

   Gtk_New_Hbox (Hbox1, Homogeneous => False);  --Top Buttons Box, if True:Wide buttons, Faluse:Narrow
   Pack_Start (Box, Hbox1, Expand => False, Fill => False);

   Gtk_New_Hbox (HBox2, Homogeneous => False);   --L pane +R Canvas. False:narrow, True: 50%/50%
   Pack_Start (Box, HBox2, Expand => True, Fill => True);

   Gtk_New_Vbox (VBoxL, Homogeneous => False);   --LEFT Pane Box, If True then VBoxL1/VBoxL2=50%/50%
   Pack_Start (HBox2, VBoxL, False, True, 30);   -- 30 is VBoxL1/VBoxL2 portion of VBox2 Width
--      Pack_Start (HBox2, VBoxL, Expand=>False, Fill=>False);  --Left pane is minimum
--      Pack_Start (HBox2, VBoxL, Expand=>True, Fill=>True);    --50%/50%
--      Pack_Start (HBox2, VBoxL, Expand=>True, Fill=>False);   --50%/50%

   Gtk_New_VBox (VBoxL1, Homogeneous => False);   --LEFT Pane Upper status area Box
   Pack_Start (VBoxL, VBoxL1, False, True, 0);
   Gtk_New_VBox (VBoxL2, Homogeneous => False);   --LEFT Pane Lower Spin area Box
   Pack_Start (VBoxL, VBoxL2, False, True, 0);

   Gtk_New (Scrolled);     --RIGHT Canvas Box
   Pack_Start (HBox2, Scrolled, True, True);   --Main-RIGHT Canvas is all remained area (wide)

   CanvasG := new Image_Canvas_Record;
   Gtkada.Canvas.Initialize (CanvasG);
   Add (Scrolled, CanvasG);
--"Single" Button
   Gtk_New (Button_Single, "Single");
   Pack_Start (HBox1, Button_Single, Expand => False, Fill => True);
      (Button_Single, "clicked",
       Canvas_Cb.To_Marshaller (Button_Single_Cb'Access), CanvasG);
--"Loop" Button
   Gtk_New (Button_Loop, "Loop");
   Pack_Start (HBox1, Button_Loop, Expand => False, Fill => True);
      (Button_Loop, "clicked",
       Canvas_Cb.To_Marshaller (Button_Loop_Cb'Access), CanvasG);
--"Step" Button
   Gtk_New (Button_Step, "Step");
   Pack_Start (HBox1, Button_Step, Expand => False, Fill => True);
      (Button_Step, "clicked",
       Canvas_Cb.To_Marshaller (Button_Step_Cb'Access), CanvasG);
--"Clear" Button
   Gtk_New (Button_Clear, "Clear");
   Pack_Start (HBox1, Button_Clear, Expand => False, Fill => True);
      (Button_Clear, "clicked",
       Canvas_Cb.To_Marshaller (Button_Clear_Cb'Access), CanvasG);

--Left Pane Labels (Upper VBoxL1)
   Gtk_New (Label_Dummy1, "   ");   --Dummy for clearance
   Pack_Start(VBoxL1, Label_Dummy1, Expand=>False, Fill=>True);
   Gtk_New (Label_TCnt, "TimeCnt=        ");

   Pack_Start(VBoxL1, Label_TCnt, Expand=>False, Fill =>True);
   Gtk_New (Label_S2SndPos_X, "SndPos_X=        ");
   Pack_Start(VBoxL1, Label_S2SndPos_X, Expand=>False, Fill=>True);

   Gtk_New (Label_S2SndPos_Y, "SndPos_Y=        ");

   Pack_Start(VBoxL1, Label_S2SndPos_Y, Expand=>False, Fill=>True);
   Gtk_New (Label_SndVel_X, "SndVel_X=        ");
   Pack_Start(VBoxL1, Label_SndVel_X, Expand=>False, Fill=>True);

   Gtk_New (Label_SndVel_Y, "SndVel_Y=        ");
   Pack_Start(VBoxL1, Label_SndVel_Y, Expand=>False, Fill=>True);

   Gtk_New (Label_Speed_Angle, "Angle=        ");
   Pack_Start(VBoxL1, Label_Speed_Angle, Expand=>False, Fill=>True);

   Gtk_New (Label_Start_Flag, "Start_Flag=        ");
   Pack_Start(VBoxL1, Label_Start_Flag, Expand=>False, Fill=>True);

   Gtk_New (Label_Dummy1, "   ");   --Dummy for clearance
   Pack_Start(VBoxL1, Label_Dummy1, Expand=>False, Fill=>True);

--"OFFSET_X" Spin
   Gtk_New_VBox (TempBox, Homogeneous => False);   --LEFT Pane upper status area Box
   Gtk_New (TempLabel, "OFFSET_X");
   Pack_Start (TempBox, TempLabel, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New (TempAdj, 1.0, 0.2, 3.0, 0.1, 0.2);   --Initial, Min, Max, Step, Page (Gtk.Adjustment)
   Gtk_New (OFFSET_X, TempAdj, 0.01, 2);         --Spin,Adj, Step, Digits after DP (Gtk.Spin_Button)
   Pack_Start (TempBox, OFFSET_X, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Pack_Start (VBoxL2, TempBox, Expand => False, Fill => False);
--"OFFSET_Y" Spin
   Gtk_New_VBox (TempBox, Homogeneous => False);   --LEFT Pane upper status area Box
   Gtk_New (TempLabel, "OFFSET_Y");
   Pack_Start (TempBox, TempLabel, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New (TempAdj, 1.0, 0.2, 5.0, 0.1, 0.2);   --Initial, Min, Max, Step, Page (Gtk.Adjustment)
   Gtk_New (OFFSET_Y, TempAdj, 0.01, 2);
   Pack_Start (TempBox, OFFSET_Y, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Pack_Start (VBoxL2, TempBox, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New_VBox (TempBox, Homogeneous => False);   --LEFT Pane upper status area Box
   Gtk_New (TempLabel, "PIXFACTOR_X");
   Pack_Start (TempBox, TempLabel, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New (TempAdj, 350.0, 200.0, 500.0, 10.0, 20.0);
   Gtk_New (PIXFACTOR_X, TempAdj, 1.0, 0);
   Pack_Start (TempBox, PIXFACTOR_X, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Pack_Start (VBoxL2, TempBox, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New_VBox (TempBox, Homogeneous => False);   --LEFT Pane upper status area Box
   Gtk_New (TempLabel, "PIXFACTOR_Y");
   Pack_Start (TempBox, TempLabel, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New (TempAdj, 180.0, 50.0, 300.0, 10.0, 20.0);
   Gtk_New (PIXFACTOR_Y, TempAdj, 1.0, 0);
   Pack_Start (TempBox, PIXFACTOR_Y, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Pack_Start (VBoxL2, TempBox, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New_VBox (TempBox, Homogeneous => False);   --LEFT Pane upper status area Box
   Gtk_New (TempLabel, "SND_POS_FACTOR");
   Pack_Start (TempBox, TempLabel, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New (TempAdj, 30.0, 1.0, 500.0, 1.0, 10.0);
   Gtk_New (SND_POS_FACTOR, TempAdj, 1.0, 0);
   Pack_Start (TempBox, SND_POS_FACTOR, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Pack_Start (VBoxL2, TempBox, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New_VBox (TempBox, Homogeneous => False);   --LEFT Pane upper status area Box
   Gtk_New (TempLabel, "SND_SPD_FACTOR");
   Pack_Start (TempBox, TempLabel, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New (TempAdj, 200.0, 1.0, 500.0, 1.0, 10.0);
   Gtk_New (SND_SPD_FACTOR, TempAdj, 1.0, 0);
   Pack_Start (TempBox, SND_SPD_FACTOR, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Pack_Start (VBoxL2, TempBox, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New_VBox (TempBox, Homogeneous => False);   --LEFT Pane upper status area Box
   Gtk_New (TempLabel, "TIME_CYCLE_X");
   Pack_Start (TempBox, TempLabel, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New (TempAdj, 10.0, 3.0, 30.0, 1.0, 2.0);
   Gtk_New (TIME_CYCLE_X, TempAdj, 1.0, 0);
   Pack_Start (TempBox, TIME_CYCLE_X, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Pack_Start (VBoxL2, TempBox, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New_VBox (TempBox, Homogeneous => False);   --LEFT Pane upper status area Box
   Gtk_New (TempLabel, "TIME_CYCLE_Y");
   Pack_Start (TempBox, TempLabel, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New (TempAdj, 10.0, 3.0, 30.0, 1.0, 2.0);
   Gtk_New (TIME_CYCLE_Y, TempAdj, 1.0, 0);
   Pack_Start (TempBox, TIME_CYCLE_Y, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Pack_Start (VBoxL2, TempBox, Expand => False, Fill => False);
--"LPOS_X" Spin
   Gtk_New_VBox (TempBox, Homogeneous => False);   --LEFT Pane upper status area Box
   Gtk_New (TempLabel, "LPOS_X");
   Pack_Start (TempBox, TempLabel, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New (TempAdj, 1.0, 0.2, 3.0, 0.01, 0.1);
   Gtk_New (LPOS_X, TempAdj, 0.01, 2);
   Pack_Start (TempBox, LPOS_X, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Pack_Start (VBoxL2, TempBox, Expand => False, Fill => False);
--"LPOS_Y" Spin
   Gtk_New_VBox (TempBox, Homogeneous => False);   --LEFT Pane upper status area Box
   Gtk_New (TempLabel, "LPOS_Y");
   Pack_Start (TempBox, TempLabel, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Gtk_New (TempAdj, 2.8, 0.5, 5.0, 0.01, 0.1);  --Initial, Min, Max, Step, Page (Gtk.Adjustment)
   Gtk_New (LPOS_Y, TempAdj, 0.01, 2);           --Spin,Adj, Step, Digits after DP (Gtk.Spin_Button)
   Pack_Start (TempBox, LPOS_Y, Expand => False, Fill => False);
   Pack_Start (VBoxL2, TempBox, Expand => False, Fill => False);

--Setup Canvas background color and location
   Align_On_Grid (CanvasG, False);   --Locate dragged Object on the nearest grid or not.
   Configure (CanvasG,
   Grid_Size=>0, --Size=0 is no grid on the Canvas, 10=10dot pitch
   Background=>(0.01,0.01,0.01,0.03));   --Canvas Back color: RGBA,  Gdk.RGBA.Gdk_RGBA := Gdk.RGBA.White_RGBA);

--Display Listner Picture image in RIGHT CANVAS ************
   Gdk_New_From_File (PixG, "./BackShot140140.png", Error);
   if PixG = Null_Pixbuf then    --If Error:
      Gtk_New (Label, "Pixmaps #1 not found. Please run testgtk from the"
                & " testgtk/ directory itself.");
      Add (VBoxL, Label);
      Show_All (VBoxL);
   end if;

   Initialize_Listener_Image (DrawPic, PixG, "Listener");   --Set Picture. New Original Procedure Initialize_Listener_Image

--Display Listner Image
   Buf_LPOS_X := float(Get_Value(LPOS_X));
   X := Glib.Gint(Buf_LPOS_X * float(Get_Value(PIXFACTOR_X)));   --Glib.Gint
   Buf_LPOS_Y := float(Get_Value(LPOS_Y));
   Y := Glib.Gint(Buf_LPOS_Y * float(Get_Value(PIXFACTOR_Y)));
   Put (CanvasG, DrawPic, X, Y);      --Display Listener Photo image

--Display Source Image
   Initial_Plane_Item_Setup (CanvasG);    --Setup Item1
   Put (CanvasG, Item1, 2, 200);   ---Gtkada.Canvas.Put(), Display Plane Graphics at the initial position

--   Refresh_Canvas (CanvasG);
--   Show_Item (CanvasG, Item1);
--   Show_All (FrameM);
   end Run;

end Gui;


with Gtk.Widget;      use Gtk.Widget;
with Gtk.Handlers;    use Gtk.Handlers;
with Interfaces;      use Interfaces;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO;
with Ada.Sequential_IO; --use Ada.Sequential_IO;  --cannot use "use" for this generic package

with OpenAL.Context;  use OpenAL.Context; --use is needed
with OpenAL.List;
with OpenAL.Types;
with OpenAL.Buffer;
with OpenAL.Error;    use OpenAL.Error;   --use is needed
with OpenAL.Listener;
with OpenAL.Source;
with OpenAL.Thin;
with OpenAL.Global;   use OpenAL.Global;   --for Get_Doppler_Factor

Package Audio is

   package Handlers is new Gtk.Handlers.Callback --Need with Gtk.Handlers
     (Widget_Type => Gtk_Widget_Record);    --Need with Gtk.Widget

   Function Test_Error (Display_Message : String) return Boolean;

   WAVE_FILE_NAME : constant string :=  "testsound.wav";
   Function LoadWaveFile(
      WaveFile: in  String;        -- WAV File name string
      Format :  out Unsigned_16;   --PCM=01,00
      Data :    out OpenAL.Buffer.Sample_Array_16_t;
      Length :  out Unsigned_32;   --Byte, Only Data portion=(05..08)+8-44
      Freq :    out OpenAL.Types.Size_t;
      Channel : out Unsigned_16;   --1ch=01,00, 2ch=02,00
      Sample :  out Unsigned_16    --16bit=10,00
   ) Return Boolean;

   Procedure ALSound_Initialize;

   Procedure ALSound_Process;
   LISTENER_GAIN : constant := 10.0;

   CX_Devicet : OpenAL.Context.Device_t;   --Used when Open and Close Audio Context
   Sound_Source : OpenAL.Source.Source_t;
   Sound_Source_Array : OpenAL.Source.Source_Array_t(1..1);

end Audio;


with Ada.Text_IO;     use Ada.Text_IO;
with Gui;      use Gui;

Package body Audio is

-- Function: Display OpenAL Procedure/Function Result
--   In: OpenAL result Code number
--   Out: Boolean result. Good=True, Error=False
-- Note; Function Get_Error doesn't work perfectly
-- Note; Error Codes are different between in Spec and in Code.
Function Test_Error (Display_Message : String) return Boolean is
   Result : Boolean;
   Errort : OpenAL.Error.Error_t;
   Errort := OpenAL.Error.Get_Error;
   If(Errort = No_Error) then
      Result := True;
      Result := False;
   end if;
   Put(Display_Message & "  ");
   Case Errort is
      when No_Error          => Put_Line("GOOD: SUCCESS");
      when Invalid_Name      => Put_Line("ERROR!!! Invalid_Name####################");
      when Invalid_Enumeration => Put_Line("ERROR!!! Invalid_Enumeration###########################");
      when Invalid_Value     => Put_Line("ERROR!!! Invalid_Value####################");
      when Invalid_Operation => Put_Line("ERROR!!! Invalid_Opearation######################");
      when Out_Of_Memory     => Put_Line("ERROR!!! Out_Of_Memory###################");
      when Unknown_Error     => Put_Line("ERROR!!! Unknown_Error###################");
      when Others            => Put_Line("ERROR!!! UNDEFINED ERROR######################");
   end case;
   Return Result;
end Test_Error;

-- Function: Open WAV file and store the parameters and data
--   IN: File name string and output valiable addresses,
--   OUT: Boolean result Good=True, Error=False
Function LoadWaveFile (
   WaveFile: in String;        -- File name string
   Format : out Unsigned_16;   --PCM=01,00
   Data : out OpenAL.Buffer.Sample_Array_16_t;
   Length : out Unsigned_32;    --Byte, Only Data portion=(05..08)+8-44
   Freq : out OpenAL.Types.Size_t;
   Channel : out Unsigned_16;    --1ch=01,00, 2ch=02,00
   Sample : out Unsigned_16   --16bit=10,00
   ) Return Boolean is   --True=Success, False=Error
   type Sample_16_t is range -32768 .. 32767;
   for Sample_16_t'Size use 16;
   package UWI_IO is new Ada.Sequential_IO (Unsigned_16);
   use UWI_IO;
   FT :   UWI_IO.File_Type;
   WAttrb : array (1..50) of Unsigned_16 := (1..50 => 0);  --Wave file Attribute portion
   Cnt :  Integer;
   Index : array (1..2) of Unsigned_16 := (Others=>0);     --"data" search buffer in WAV file header
   K1,K2 :     Unsigned_16;
   Data1U16 :  Unsigned_16;
   Data1S16t : OpenAL.Buffer.Sample_16_t;
   DataCnt :   Integer;

   Begin   --File open
      UWI_IO.Open (File=>FT, Mode=>In_File, Name=>WaveFile);    --Text_IO Open doesnot work for Binary file
      when others=>
         Put_Line("ERROR!!!  WAV File cannot Open");
   end;   --File open end

   Put_Line("File Open done");
   Cnt := 1;
   while not End_Of_File (FT) loop
      Read(FT, WAttrb(Cnt));
      Index(1):=Index(2); Index(2):=WAttrb(Cnt);
      exit when ((Index(1)=16#6164#) and (Index(2)=16#6174#));            -- Found "data"=Subchunk2 ID
      If (Cnt=50-2) then
         Put_Line("ERROR WAV file Index is too long");
         Return False;
      end if;   --WAVE FORMAT ERROR
      Cnt := Cnt+1;
   end loop;
--"data" was found, then get next Subchunk2Size
   Read(FT, K1);
   WAttrb(Cnt):=K1;    -- Lower 16bit of Data number of BYTE Length 32bit
   Cnt := Cnt + 1;
   Read(FT, K2);
   WAttrb(Cnt):=K2;    -- Upper 16bit
   Length := Unsigned_32(K2)*65536 + Unsigned_32(K1);   -- Data Length, number of BYTE

   DataCnt := 1;
   while not End_Of_File (FT) loop
      Read(FT, Data1U16);
      if(Data1U16<32768) then Data1S16t := OpenAL.Buffer.Sample_16_t(Data1U16);       --Positive
      else Data1S16t := OpenAL.Buffer.Sample_16_t(-(Integer_16(NOT Data1U16) + 1));   --Negative value
      end if;
      Data(OpenAL.Buffer.Sample_Size_t(DataCnt)) := Data1S16t;   --Store data
      DataCnt := DataCnt + 1;
      If (DataCnt > Integer(Length)/2+1) then       --DataCnt=16bit, Length=8bit
         Put_Line("ERROR WAV file DATA is too long");
         Return False;
      end if;
   end loop;

   Put_Line("DataCnt=" & Integer'Image(DataCnt) & "  Integer(Length)/2+1=" & Integer'Image(Integer(Length)/2+1));
   --Result is: DataCnt= 220501  Integer(Length)/2+1= 220501

   Close (FT);             -- File close
   Format := WAttrb(11);   --PCM=0001=01,00
   Freq := OpenAL.Types.Size_t(Unsigned_32(WAttrb(13)) + Unsigned_32(WAttrb(14))*65536);
   Channel := WAttrb(12);
   Sample := Wattrb(18);
   Return True;   --Success End
End LoadWaveFile;

-- Sound Initialize
--   Open Wav file and setup all parameters, but
Procedure ALSound_Initialize is

   Bool : Boolean;
   NrPlayback_Devices  : Integer;
   Vector_Cnt : Integer;
   Playback_StrVectt   : OpenAL.List.String_Vector_t;
   UB_OpenAL_Version   : Unbounded_String;
   UB_Default_Play     : Unbounded_String;
   UB_Playback_Devices : Unbounded_String;

   CX_Contextt : OpenAL.Context.Context_t;
   Set_Active_Context  : Boolean;

   Source_Set_Position : OpenAL.Types.Vector_3f_t := (0.0, 1.0, 0.0);         --X,Y,Z
   Source_Set_Velocity : OpenAL.Types.Vector_3f_t := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);         --X,Y,Z
   Source_Set_Direction: OpenAL.Types.Vector_3f_t := (0.0, 1.0, 0.0);         --X,Y,Z
   Listener_Set_Position : OpenAL.Types.Vector_3f_t := (0.0, 2.0, 0.0);         --X,Y,Z
   Listener_Set_Velocity : OpenAL.Types.Vector_3f_t := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);         --X,Y,Z
   Listener_Orientation_Forward : OpenAL.Types.Vector_3f_t := (0.0, 1.0, 0.0);  --X,Y,Z
   Listener_Orientation_Up : OpenAL.Types.Vector_3f_t := (0.0, 0.0, 1.0);       --X,Y,Z

   SoundWaveFileName : String := WAVE_FILE_NAME;  --"testsound.wav"
   Result_WaveFileOPen : Boolean;
   WAV_Format : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;   --PCM=01,00
   WAV_Data : OpenAL.Buffer.Sample_Array_16_t(1..1000000); --WAV File Word Max Capacity
   WAV_Length : Unsigned_32;    --Only Data portion number of Byte (chunk2 data area)
   WAV_Freq : OpenAL.Types.Size_t;
   WAV_Channel : Unsigned_16;    --1ch=01,00, 2ch=02,00
   WAV_Sample : Unsigned_16;   --16bit=10,00
   Buffer_Arrt : OpenAL.Buffer.Buffer_Array_t (1..1000000);   --WAV File Word Max Capacity
   ProcessedNr : Natural;


   Put_Line("OpenAL Program Sample1");

--Get OpenAL Version number
--  UB_OpenAL_Version := To_Unbounded_String(OpenAL.Global.Vendor);    --"Version" causes error. Not supported.

--Get_Default_Device_Specifier  (Default Playback)
   --use To_Unbounded_String, because the length is unknown
   Put_Line("Default Playback=" & UB_Default_Play);

--Get_All_Device_Specifiers  (All Playbacks)
   Playback_StrVectt := OpenAL.Context.Get_Available_Playback_Devices;
   Vector_Cnt := 1;

   Bool := OpenAL.List.String_Vectors.Is_Empty(Playback_StrVectt);   --TRUE=EMPTY
   NrPlayback_Devices := Integer(OpenAL.List.String_Vectors.Length(Playback_StrVectt));
   If(Bool) then   --EMPTY
      Put_Line("No Playback Device, N=" & Integer'Image(NrPlayback_Devices));
      Put_Line("Playback Devices N=" & Integer'Image(NrPlayback_Devices));
      Vector_Cnt := 1;
         UB_Playback_Devices := To_Unbounded_String(Playback_StrVectt(Vector_Cnt));
         Put_Line("Playback Devices Length=" & Integer'image(Length(UB_Playback_Devices)));
         Put_Line("Playback Device#" & Integer'Image(Vector_Cnt) & "=" & UB_Playback_Devices);
         Vector_Cnt := Vector_Cnt + 1;
         Exit when Vector_Cnt >= NrPlayback_Devices;
      end loop;
   end if;

 -- OPEN Playback Device
 -- C:  device = alcOpenDevice(NULL); // open default device
   CX_Devicet := OpenAL.Context.Open_Device ("OpenAL Soft");  --"OpenAL Soft")
   Put_Line("UB_Playback_Device=" & UB_Playback_Devices);
   if (CX_Devicet = Invalid_Device) then   --Ref file: openal-alc_thin.ads
      Put_Line("BAD-Invalid Device!!! Cannot open Playback Device*******");
      Put_Line("GOOD, Open Output Device Success");
   end if;

   -- Create Context
   -- C: context=alcCreateContext(device,NULL); // create context
   CX_Contextt := Create_Context (CX_Devicet);
   if (CX_Contextt = Invalid_Context) then   --Ref file: openal-alc_thin.ads
      Put_Line("BAD-Invalid Context!!! Cannot Create Context *******");
      Put_Line("GOOD, Create Context Success");
   end if;

   -- Set Active Context
   -- C: alcMakeContextCurrent(context); // set active context
   Set_Active_Context := Make_Context_Current(CX_Contextt);
   if (Set_Active_Context = False) then
      Put_Line("ERROR Set Active Context!!! Cannot Set Active Context *******");
   end if;
   If (Test_Error("Set_Active_Context") = False) then goto END_OF_PROGRAM; end if;

-- Load testsound.wav
-- Same the old loadWAVFile("testsound.wav",&format,&data,&Length,&freq,&loop);----This is Obsolete
   Result_WaveFileOpen := LoadWaveFile(
      WAV_Format,           -- PCM=0001
      WAV_Data,             -- Sample_Array_16_t(1)
      WAV_Length,           -- Number of Wave data Byte
      WAV_Freq,             -- Frequency_t

   If (Result_WaveFileOpen=False) then
      Put_Line("Wave file Open ERROR");
      goto END_OF_PROGRAM;
   end if;

   Put_Line("Sound File=" & SoundWaveFileName);
   Put("Format=" & Unsigned_16'image(WAV_Format));
   If(WAV_Format=1) then Put_Line(" PCM"); else Put_Line(" Some format"); end if;
   Put_Line("WAV Data Length=" & Unsigned_32'image(WAV_Length) & " Byte");
   Put_Line("Sampling Freq=" & OpenAL.Types.Size_t'image(WAV_Freq) & "Hz");
   Put_Line("Channel=" & Unsigned_16'image(WAV_Channel));
   Put_Line("Sample=" & unsigned_16'image(WAV_Sample) & "bit");

--Generate Buffers
--     C:  alGenBuffers(NUM_BUFFERS, g_Buffers);
--    Ada:  procedure Generate_Buffers (Buffers : in out Buffer_Array_t);
--    The Generate_Buffers procedure generates Buffers'Length buffers.
     (Size => OpenAL.Types.Size_t(WAV_Length/2),   --Set number of Words
      Buffers => Buffer_Arrt(1)'Address);

   Put_Line("Generated Buffer, WAV_Length=" & Unsigned_32'Image(WAV_Length) & " Byte");

--Copy WAV data into AL Buffer 0
--   C: alBufferData(g_Buffers[0],format,data,Size(number of Bytes),freq);
--   This proc is not written in the manual, it is in OpenAL.Thin source.
--   It can set Size freely, so it is good to define maximum WAV buffer
     Buffer_ID => 1,                    --Types.Unsigned_Integer_t;
     Format    => OpenAL.Thin.AL_FORMAT_MONO16,     --Types.Enumeration_t;
     Data      => WAV_Data(1)'Address,              --system.Address;
     Size      => OpenAL.Types.Size_t(WAV_Length),   --Types.Size_t;==This Length is adjustable
     Frequency => WAV_Freq                         --Types.Size_t;

-- Generate Sources
--    C: alGenSources((ALuint)1, &source); //generates one or more sources, n=number
--    If error: alDeleteBuffers(NUM_BUFFERS, g_Buffers) ???? This was not written in the sample program
   OpenAL.Source.Generate_Sources (Sound_Source_Array);   --Gval.Sound_Source_Array(1..1) only one array
   Sound_Source := Sound_Source_Array(1);   --Sound_Source:Source_t
   If (Test_Error("Generate-Sources (Gval.Sound_Source_Array)") = False) then goto END_OF_PROGRAM; end if;

   OpenAL.Source.Get_Buffers_Processed (Sound_Source, ProcessedNr);
   Put_Line("1 Number of Processed buffers=" & Natural'image(ProcessedNr));   --Nu=0 Just to monitor
   OpenAL.Source.Get_Buffers_Queued (Sound_Source, ProcessedNr);
   Put_Line("Number of Processed buffers Queued=" & Natural'image(ProcessedNr));   --Queued=0 just to monitor
   If(OpenAL.Source.Is_Valid(Sound_Source)=True) then Put_Line("Is_Vlaid=True"); else Put_Line("Is_Valid=False"); end if;

--Attach buffer to source
--   C: alSourcei(source[0], AL_BUFFER, g_Buffers[0]);
--   procedure Set_Current_Buffer
--  (Source : in Source_t;
--   Buffer : in OpenAL.Buffer.Buffer_t);

   Put_Line("Attached buffer to Source");
   OpenAL.Source.Get_Buffers_Processed (Sound_Source, ProcessedNr);
   Put_Line("2 Number of Processed buffers=" & Natural'image(ProcessedNr));   --Nr=0 just to monitor
   OpenAL.Source.Get_Buffers_Queued (Sound_Source, ProcessedNr);
   Put_Line("Number of Processed buffers Queued=" & Natural'image(ProcessedNr));   --Queued=1 just to monitor
   If(OpenAL.Source.Is_Valid(Sound_Source)=True) then Put_Line("Is_Vlaid=True"); else Put_Line("Is_Valid=False"); end if;

-- Set SOURCE Position, Velocity, Direction
--    procedure Set_Position_Float_List
--   (Source    : in Source_t;
--    Position  : in Types.Vector_3f_t);
   OpenAL.Source.Set_Position_Float_List(Sound_Source, Source_Set_Position);
   If (Test_Error("Set Source Set_Position_Float_List") = False) then goto END_OF_PROGRAM; end if;
   OpenAL.Source.Set_Velocity_Float_List(Sound_Source, Source_Set_Velocity);
   If (Test_Error("Set Source Set_Velocity_Float_List") = False) then goto END_OF_PROGRAM; end if;
   OpenAL.Source.Set_Direction_Float_List(Sound_Source, Source_Set_Direction);
   If (Test_Error("Set Source Set_Direction_Float_List") = False) then goto END_OF_PROGRAM; end if;

-- Set LISTENER Position, Velocity, Direction
--    procedure Set_Position_Float_List
--   (Position : in Types.Vector_3f_t);
   OpenAL.Listener.Set_Position_Float_List(Listener_Set_Position);   --X,Y,Z  set the position of the listener
   If (Test_Error("Set Listener Set_Position_Float_List") = False) then goto END_OF_PROGRAM; end if;
   OpenAL.Listener.Set_Velocity_Float_List(Listener_Set_Velocity);   --X,Y,Z  set the velocity of the listener
   If (Test_Error("Set Listener Set_Velocity_Float_List") = False) then goto END_OF_PROGRAM; end if;
   OpenAL.Listener.Set_Orientation_Float(Listener_Orientation_Forward, Listener_Orientation_Up);
   If (Test_Error("Set Listener Orientation Fwd/Up") = False) then goto END_OF_PROGRAM; end if;

-- Set Listener GAIN

<< END_OF_PROGRAM >>   -- label for goto when Error

end ALSound_Initialize;

-- Output Audio Control Process
--    Called by Timer Interrupt when Start_Flag /= 0
Procedure ALSound_Process is

-- Set Source, Listener Position
   OpenAL.Source.Set_Position_Float(Sound_Source, OpenAL.Types.Float_t(S2SndPos_X) , OpenAL.Types.Float_t(S2SndPos_Y) , 0.0);  -- Left(-) to Right(+), XYZ Float
   OpenAL.Listener.Set_Position_Float(0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0);  -- Listner is Origin=0,0,0. Source uses Relative distance from Listener.

-- Set Velocity
   OpenAL.Source.Set_Velocity_Float(Sound_Source, OpenAL.Types.float_t(Vel_Snd_X), OpenAL.Types.float_t(Vel_Snd_Y), 0.0);  -- Increase from 0, XYZ Float

end ALSound_Process;

End Audio;


with OpenAL.Context; 
with OpenAL.List; 
with OpenAL.Types;
with OpenAL.Buffer; 
with OpenAL.Error;   
with OpenAL.Listener; 
with OpenAL.Source; 
with OpenAL.Thin;   

with Gtk.Widget;         use Gtk.Widget;
with Gtk.Button;         use Gtk.Button;
with Gtk.Enums;          use Gtk.Enums;
with Gtk.Spin_Button;    use Gtk.Spin_Button;
with Gtk.Progress_Bar;   use Gtk.Progress_Bar;  --Timer Interrupt
with Ada.Real_Time;      use Ada.Real_Time;         --Timer Interrupt
with Glib.Main;          use Glib.Main;  --Timer Interrupt  Time_Cb.Timeout_Add
with Gdk.RGBA;           use Gdk.RGBA;
with Text_IO;            use Text_IO;

package Tintr is

   function Timer_Intr (Pbar : Gtk_Progress_Bar) return Boolean;   
   TimerIntrDuration : Time_Span;  --need with Ada.Real_Time
   TimerIntrCounter : integer := 0;
   TINTR_PITCH : Constant := 100;   --100=100ms, 200=200ms
   TIMECNT_DRAW_PRESET : Constant := 4;  --In Draw, countdown TimeCnt_Draw preset value
   TimeCnt : Integer := TIMECNT_DRAW_PRESET;   --Playback Time/Location/Speed Counter
   TimerIntrCounter_Before : Integer :=0;   --In Draw, check if TimeCnt is same or changed
   TimeCnt_Draw   : integer :=0;   --In Draw, count how many Draw is accepted in a TimeCnt

   Direction : Integer := 0;  --0=Positive(to right), 1=Negative (to Left)
   Datatype_dummy : Gtk_Progress_Bar;    --Timer interrupt 
   EndFlag : Integer;   --Playback loop End Flag
   Gid_dummy   : G_Source_Id;     --Timer interrupt
   Start_Flag : Integer := 0;   --0=stop,1=Single Start,2=Single busy, 3=Step Start, 4=Step busy,5=Loop start,6=Loop busy
   Pause_Flag : Integer := 0;   --default=0, Pause=1

end Tintr;


with Gui;          use Gui;
with Audio;        use Audio;

Package body Tintr is
function Timer_Intr (Pbar : Gtk_Progress_Bar) return Boolean is

   If(Start_Flag =0) then    --Flag=0  Nothing to do
      TimerIntrCounter := TimerIntrCounter + 1;
      TimeCnt := 0;
      Time_X  := 0.0;
      Time_Y  := 0.0;
      Return True;
   end if;

-- Display Graphics and Audio Output
   Display_Plane (TimeCnt);       --Calculate and Move Plane
   ALSound_Process;    --Set Audio Source & Listner Position XYZ and Source Velocity XYZ
   if (Pause_Flag=1) then   --Pause, then do nothing (keep audio and position)
      TimerIntrCounter := TimerIntrCounter + 1;
      Return True;
   end if;      

   if ((Start_Flag=1) or (Start_Flag=3) or (Start_Flag=5)) then
      --Button was pressed, Begin Audio
      OpenAL.Source.Set_Looping(Audio.Sound_Source, Looping => True);   --Manual doc is wrong 
      OpenAL.Source.Play (Audio.Sound_Source_Array(1));


      If ((Start_Flag=1) or (Start_Flag=5)) then
         TimeCnt := 0;    --Initialize         
      end if;
      Start_Flag := Start_Flag + 1;   --Flag 1=>2, 3=>4, 5=>6
   end if;
--STEP mode and Counter is busy
   If (Start_Flag=4) then   --STEP mode   
      If (Step_Counter /= 0) then            
         Step_Counter := Step_Counter - 1;
         If (Step_Counter = 0) then 
            Pause_Flag := 1;     
            Set_Label (Button_Step, "Step");   --Turn to stop STEP             
            Parse (ButtonColor, "Black", Dummy_Boolean); 	         
            Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Step), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
            end if;
      end if;   
   end if; --End Start_Flag=1,3,5   

   TimerIntrCounter := TimerIntrCounter +1;
   TimeCnt := TimeCnt + 1;
   Time_X := Time_X +1.0; 
   If ((Time_X * float(TINTR_PITCH) /1000.0) >= float(Get_Value(TIME_CYCLE_X))) then
--Timer(X) is full, Plane is at the start position, then one loop was finished. 
      Time_X := 0.0;
      If (Start_Flag=2) then   --Single loop complted, then stop the process.
   --Single mode and End cycle. Finish Single process
         Start_Flag := 0;
         Pause_Flag := 0;
         Set_Label (Gui.Button_Single, "Single");
         Parse (ButtonColor, "Black", Dummy_Boolean); 	         
         Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Single), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
         Set_Label (Gui.Button_Loop, "Loop");
         Parse (ButtonColor, "Black", Dummy_Boolean); 	         
         Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Loop), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
         Set_Label (Button_Step, "Step");
         Parse (ButtonColor, "Black", Dummy_Boolean); 	         
         Gtk.Widget.Override_Color(Gtk_Widget(Button_Step), Gtk_State_Flag_Normal ,ButtonColor);   --Button Character Color is switched to Red, Modify is obsolete
         OpenAL.Context.Close_Device (Audio.CX_Devicet);  -- CLOSE "OpenAL Soft" and stop sound
         Return True;
      end if;
--On the way processing         
   end if;
   Time_Y := Time_Y +1.0;
   If ((Time_Y * float(TINTR_PITCH) /1000.0) >= float(Get_Value(TIME_CYCLE_Y))) then
      Time_Y := 0.0;
   end if;
   Return True;
end Timer_Intr;

End Tintr;


with Gtk.Main;         use Gtk.Main;
with Gtk;              use Gtk;
with Gtk.Adjustment;   use Gtk.Adjustment;
with Gtk.Button;       use Gtk.Button;
with Gtk.Check_Button; use Gtk.Check_Button;
with Gtk.Dialog;       use Gtk.Dialog;
with Gtk.Label;        use Gtk.Label;
with Gtk.Handlers;     use Gtk.Handlers;
with Gtk.Widget;       use Gtk.Widget;
with Gtk.Window;       use Gtk.Window;
with Glib;             use Glib;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Gdk.Event;        use Gdk.Event;

package Common is

   package Widget_Handler is new Handlers.Callback (Gtk_Widget_Record);
   package User_Widget_Handler is new Handlers.User_Callback
     (Gtk_Widget_Record, Gtk_Widget);
   package Label_Handler  is new Handlers.Callback (Gtk_Label_Record);
   package Adj_Handler    is new Handlers.Callback (Gtk_Adjustment_Record);
   package Check_Handler  is new Handlers.Callback (Gtk_Check_Button_Record);
   package Button_Handler is new Handlers.Callback (Gtk_Button_Record);

   type Gtk_Window_Access is access all Gtk_Window;
   package Destroy_Handler is new Handlers.User_Callback
     (Gtk_Window_Record, Gtk_Window_Access);

   function Delete_Event_Cb
     (Self  : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
      Event : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event)
      return Boolean;

   procedure Destroy_Window
      (Win : access Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window_Record'Class;
       Ptr : Gtk_Window_Access);

   type Gtk_Dialog_Access is access all Gtk_Dialog;
   package Destroy_Dialog_Handler is new Handlers.User_Callback
     (Gtk_Dialog_Record, Gtk_Dialog_Access);
   procedure Destroy_Dialog (Win : access Gtk_Dialog_Record'Class;
                             Ptr : Gtk_Dialog_Access);

end Common;


package body Common is

-- Delete_Event_Cb --
function Delete_Event_Cb
  (Self  : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   Event : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event)
   return Boolean is

   return True;
end Delete_Event_Cb;

-- Destroy_Window --
procedure Destroy_Window
   (Win : access Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window_Record'Class;
    Ptr : Gtk_Window_Access) is

   Ptr.all := null;
end Destroy_Window;

-- Destroy_Dialog --
procedure Destroy_Dialog
   (Win : access Gtk.Dialog.Gtk_Dialog_Record'Class;
    Ptr : Gtk_Dialog_Access)  is

   Ptr.all := null;
end Destroy_Dialog;

end Common;


with Gtk.Box;       use Gtk.Box;
with Gtk.Label;     use Gtk.Label;
with Gtk.Button;    use Gtk.Button;
with Gtk.Window;      use Gtk.Window;
with Gtk.Fixed;      use Gtk.Fixed;     --To layout Button

with Ada.Real_Time;  use Ada.Real_Time;

with Gtk.Progress_Bar;    use Gtk.Progress_Bar;
--with Glib;           use Glib;
--with Glib.Object;    use Glib.Object;
--with Gtk.Frame;      use Gtk.Frame;
--with Ada.Text_IO;    use Ada.Text_IO;
--with Gtk.Fixed;      use Gtk.Fixed;     --To layout Button
--with Gtk.Spin_Button; use Gtk.Spin_Button;
--with Gtk.Toggle_Button; use Gtk.Toggle_Button;
with Gtk.Progress_Bar;    use Gtk.Progress_Bar;
--with Ada.Real_Time;  use Ada.Real_Time;
with Glib.Main;    use Glib.Main;     --Timer Interrupt  Time_Cb.Timeout_Add
with OpenAL.Source;
with OpenAL.Context; use OpenAL.Context;
with OpenAL.Types;

package Gval is
   Win   : Gtk_Window;     --Need with Gtk.Window
   Fix   : Gtk_Fixed;
   Box1      : Gtk_Box;
   Label1    : Gtk_Label;
   Label2    : Gtk_Label;
   Label3    : Gtk_Label;
   Button1   : Gtk_Button;
   Button2   : Gtk_Button;
--   Counter   : Integer := 0;

   CX_Devicet : OpenAL.Context.Device_t;  
   TimeCnt : Integer := 0;   --Playback Time/Location/Speed Counter
   Direction : Integer := 0;  --0=Positive(to right), 1=Negative (to Left)
   SetPosF, SetVelF : OpenAL.Types.Float_t;   --Vector Calculation
   SourcePositionF, SourceVelocityF : Float;
   Sound_Source : OpenAL.Source.Source_t;
   Sound_Source_Array : OpenAL.Source.Source_Array_t(1..1);  
   Datatype_dummy : Gtk_Progress_Bar;    --Timer interrupt
   Gid_dummy   : G_Source_Id;     --Timer interrupt   
--   TIntr_Flag : Integer := 0;   --0:before start 
   AudioFlag : Integer := 0;
   AudioLoopFlag : Integer := 0;
   TimerIntrDuration : Time_Span;  --need with Ada.Real_Time
   TimerIntrCounter : integer := 0;
   TINTR_PITCH : Constant := 50;   --100=50ms, 200=100ms
   EndFlag : Integer;   --Playback loop End Flag
end Gval; 


140 x 140 pixel


1kHz Tone

Format: PCM, Duration:5sec, Bitrate:705.6kbps, 1channel, Sampling rate:44.1kHz, 16bit, Size:431kB